Dream lottery 2019 Fall - Wastell

London, ON

Challenge & Solution

The biggest challenge for this shoot would be the tight deadline. These types of projects are usually very time sensitive and have a set launch day.

In order to meet the tight deadline, it requires a tremendous amount of logistical planning pre production to ensure a smooth process from start to finish. Such as coordinating with the builder/designer, making sure the property is ready for photo, checking the weather forecast, having a backup rain day, etc. This requires constant communication with all parties involved. Since we’ve worked with Dream Lottery for many years, we’re no strangers to this process.

The second fun challenge was the window design in this property. Because of how the house was situated, the kitchen and living area were filled with this beautiful natural light. At certain times of the day, the way the sunlight beaming into the kitchen creates a striking impression and we had to make sure we capture just that!

Our team was able to execute the shoot and delivery the final product flawlessly! This was a fun project, hope you enjoy!

Take A look behind the scenes

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We are a London Ontario based real estate photography and videography company helping agents sell more, and quicker! We also work with hotels, resorts, builders, and much more. Give us a shout and we’ll see how we can collaborate to produce something amazing for your brand!
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